Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sir! Sir! You've Forgotten Your Debilitating Addiction!

On my way back home with my new TiVo, I saw a funny little tableau while stopped at an intersection.

A woman in a green apron was rushing out of a sandwich shop in the way that you do when you are trying to catch the person who just left their credit card on the counter when they walked out with their sandwich.

She called out repeatedly after a man who then stopped and turned to allow her to close the distance between them.

The man was clearly either a homeless person or a method actor gearing up to play a homeless person.

When the woman finally caught up to him I saw what she was racing to return to the man. It was a nearly full bottle of bottom shelf vodka. The woman held it like a dog turd for which she did not bring a plastic baggie, between two fingers and held away from her body at arm's length.

The man grasped the bottle with two hands, reverently, and thanked the woman profusely, as if it had not been his already and was, instead, some unanticipated gift.

I wish I could have heard them talking or seen the end of the encounter, but the light finally changed and I was off, taking my hopefully dead-behind-the-eye new TiVo home to begin its new life of recording slavery.

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