Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Chiara Heresies VI

Chiara has some coworker with a teenaged son. The coworker (and her son) are Mormon and the son is of an age where he is about to go on a two year long Mormon proselytizing mission. The coworker is describing how, before the son can be sent to the city or region where he will serve his mission, he must first go through three days in the "Missionary Training Center" in Provo, Utah.

"What's the Missionary Training Center?" asks Chiara.

"It's like three days of intensive church, more or less," she is told.

"What?!" cries Chiara, "Three days of church?! That's the worst thing I think I've ever heard. I'd shoot myself!"

1 comment:

  1. Tell her to visit a regular Mormon Sunday service. THREE HOURS of the most boring, awful shit on the planet! It's particularly awful if the speaker (some random church member) is phobic of public speaking. Oy. So. Aw.Ful.

    Also? I love Chiara.
